ID Code1290
Square size:
1.057 m2
Krasica, Bakar

About real estate

KRASICA, we received a construction plot of 1057m2 in the offer. All necessary infrastructure and connections are located near the field. The configuration of the land is moderately sloping and rectangular in shape, and it is located near the road. In a good location, it has a partial view of the sea. MATULJI, we received a construction plot of 636m2 in the offer. In addition to the land, the co-owned part of the road with an area of 219 m2 that leads to the field is for sale. The construction of a family house or a house with 3 apartments is allowed. All necessary infrastructure and connections are located on the field itself. The configuration of the land is slightly sloping, it is rectangular in shape, and the co-owner's road is located right next to the paved road. This property is located in an excellent and quiet location near the center of Matulje.

Additional info

  • Water supply
  • Electricity
  • Ownership certificate
  • Land type: Construction
  • Purpose: residential